A TOTAL of 13 solar panels will be installed on the roof of a barn in a farm complex near South Petherton.

The application site is the farmhouse and farm complex of Flaxdrayton Farm, a two-storey detached dwellinghouse constructed of natural stone beneath a slate roof.

The farm courtyard is comprised of a mix of agricultural buildings which formed the Flax Mill.

A planning document read: “The site is located in the hamlet of Drayton, approximately 1.5km southeast of South Petherton. This is a Grade II Listed Building. There is no Conservation Area.

“This application seeks consent for the installation of 13 solar PV panels on the roof of an existing Dutch Barn which is situated just outside of the main courtyard within the farm complex which falls within the Listed Building curtilage, along with associated minor works to make the roof of the Dutch Barn stable to support the additional weight.

“There is no change of use associated with the proposal.”

The document also read: “The Dutch Barn is a relatively modern addition and is not considered to be of historic significance.

“The Dutch Barn is located around 50 metres to the east of the Listed Farmhouse.

“The barn is attached to one of the former Flax Mill Buildings which is also a Grade II Listed Building as a group, however, the Dutch Barn is situated outside of the original courtyard.

“The development will not involve any interference with historic fabric and the presence of solar panels on the roof of this modern barn is generally not considered to adversely affect the historic setting of the more historic barns and the listed farmhouse further away.

“Solar Panels are generally reversible and are become a frequent feature within the built environment.

“The conservation officer has confirmed that she has no objection to the proposals.”