AN APPLICATION to redecorate a shop based in a Grade II listed building in Chard town centre has been approved.

The shop based on 18 Holyrood Street will have its entrance and frontage renovated.

A planning document read: “This Grade II listed building comprises a retail unit with a flat above within a row of commercial businesses within Chard town centre and within the primary shopping frontage area.

“The shop front has a recessed entrance but has been altered in the 20th century with the original entrance door, over light, and reveal panelling having been replaced.

“The application includes fully detailed drawings of the existing shop front and a comprehensive Design and Access and Heritage Statement.

“The proposal seeks to retain and redecorate the shopfront and renovate the entrance and frontage; including a new door, reveal panels, first-floor window, lead cornice capping, and soffit panels, and repair of the plinth.

“The proposal will retain the future commercial use and by reason of the use of appropriate materials and details and the limited intervention into the historic fabric of this listed building is considered to respect the historic and architectural interest of the building.

“The Council's Conservation Specialist fully supports the proposal and the proposal is considered to be in accordance with Policies SD1, EP13, EQ2, and EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan and Chapter 7, 12, and 16 of the NPPF. As such the application is recommended for approval.”