A CHARD-based animation company has launched a crowdfunding campaign for a kids' TV show aiming to combat climate change through education.

The show is PocKit Robot, the charming kids' TV concept that aims to teach the next generation of children (and their grown-ups) such a love and respect for the natural world that they will stand up and shout if they see anything hurting it.

PocKit, created by Scott and Mei Mei Cooper, whose animation company hyper-mouse is based near Chard, is the story of two aliens who have been exploring the cosmos for millennia until they discover Earth.

Every episode will showcase a different aspect of nature through the eyes of our robot visitors, shining a light on some of the things that we adults take for granted, like a tree, a stream, and a dandelion.

Kit's beautiful factbursts use graphics inspired by kaleidoscopes, to give information and interpretation of the wonders they encounter.

Quirky animation is combined with awe-inspiring film to bring these adorable characters to life.

The themes of ecology and regeneration appear organically throughout their madcap adventures and crazy capers, although quite a lot of the time it's just plain funny for the sake of it.

This is a no doom and gloom zone.

All the film was shot locally and is a wonderful showcase for the area, as PocKit Robot explore its glorious natural wonders.

Scott has a background in film VFX, having worked on two Harry Potter films and multiple Marvel films (amongst others) and Mei Mei is a talented scriptwriter and producer; so they came up with the idea for PocKit Robot as a way to use these skills to help as many kids as possible grow up with an innate respect for the natural world.

They said: "So many of us are wondering what we can do to reduce the negative impact of globalisation and profit over the community.

“We chose to focus on the next generation – to see if we can turn the tide back to prioritise benefit for everything on the planet – people and nature.

“We'd love to be able to launch this project free from the constraints of advertisers and political programming agendas, which is why we are asking the public to help us by sharing the project as widely as they can, then hopefully a lot of people can contribute just a small amount to make this series a reality.”

See the full story and pledge as little as £1 at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hyper-mouse/help-us-finish-pockit-robot-the-pilot-episode?ref=evy6iq or follow the project on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pockitrobot) to see how you can help or get involved".